With reports of flurries this weekend in Ottawa, I thought it a good time to flee like a sookie wee baby. To DC, which though it knows snow, it will not be knowing snow this coming weekend. While at the Crystal City Hyatt, I will be reading, and making lively conversation at the Night Shade Books exhibitor’s table. Where you can buy books. Not just Deadroads (which I will happily sign!! In blood! No, not in blood, sorry.)
Reading at 11 on Friday in the Fairfax room. Conversational banter Friday 3:30 at the Night Shade table. And at the bar, of course. I will know virtually no one, so say hi to me.
Also, this reading image is from the Postscripts to Darkness Hallowe’en party/reading at the Raw Sugar Cafe, taking by the lovely and acerbic Lexie Buchanan.
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